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Kresnik said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Who wants to bet that the reason Square Enix will not release Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts BBS on PSN is because they have plans to re-release them as newly packaged games? Either as PS HD Collections, or ported directly to the Vita or something.

I'd be cool with that.  Literally one of the only reasons (along with Metal Gear Acid) that I'm considering getting a PSP is so I can play Crisis Core.  If it comes to a console that I own, I'll be happy.

About the games getting localised: Legend of Heroes might, but the last game sold really poorly in the USA and they were in the process of localising the second for PSP but I think they've put it on the back-burner.

I don't think it sold THAT bad when you take into consideration they released it at the height of PSP's DEATH. I bought it digitally as I knew I would need to to play it on Vita in the future(I started buying all my PSP games that way after Vita's announcement, Dissidia 012 also). I'm thinking the combined sales of physical and digital, and tempering expectations as it was released on a dying console, the game did just fine.

I would just rather them cut some of the dialogue so they can localize them faster. Most of it isn't Gold to be honest, just loads of filler conversation and rambling about food all the time. That being said they are really good games. I want them to skip Second Chapter for TITS and go right to Trails of Zero or this new one. The new one might come off best as it has 3D graphics that will look stellar on Vita. The screenshots look like Vita grade graphics too so I think it might be lead platform. I would imagine if they do the localization at the same time it will be released sooner. Sony should really assist them as this TITS was probably the BEST turnbase JRPG to release for PSP that was not an FF game. We know they are a small company, they could definitely use a helping hand. RPGs were the PSP's bread and butter and Sony should do well remembering that for Vita. P4G is a great start.


Oh, so its pretty much official that Muramasa is coming to the US as Sony put it in their award choices in the "Most Anticipated Vita Game" catagory. SWEET!!! There were a few others, some I had never heard of. I will research them and add them to the Official Vita Calendar.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)