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forevercloud3000 said:
Who wants to bet that the reason Square Enix will not release Crisis Core and Kingdom Hearts BBS on PSN is because they have plans to re-release them as newly packaged games? Either as PS HD Collections, or ported directly to the Vita or something.

On another note, just updated the Vita Release Calendar.
-Project Versus J
-Legend of Heroes Title
-Tales of Hearts R
-rearranged some stuff that has released.
-working on fixing the formatting issue...

What are the likely hood of the Tales games,LoH titles, etc coming stateside? Still hoping for Tales of Innocence and LoH: Trails of Zero.....or are these lost causes?

Final Fantasy 7* remake confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










*Crisis Core

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(