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Michael-5 said:
sales2099 said:

Cute. Gen over gen Xbox improved and PS declined. I think the trend will only widen next gen.

I dunno about that. I'll agree that the NExtbox will likely do better then 360 in Japan, much like 360 did better then XB1, but in WW regions anything can happen.

Sony really tried to push Blu-Ray with the PS3 and it really hurt them, next gen Sony isn't pushing anything. Then again, one could argue because there is no new media type in the PS4, then maybe this will hurt sales. After all many of my early adopter PS3 and to an extent PS2 friends bought the system for Blu-Ray/DVD.

The 360 did better because of Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remenant and a few other titles. Why the fuck would the next box get the same level of support from the Japanese next time around with the pathetic returns it provided them. On top of the that the next box will have immediate competition which I believe will snuff it out pretty fast