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tbone51 said:

Michael-5 said:

naruball said:

bonkers555 said:
Tactics Ogre: Let's Us Cling Together. Every PSP owner should play this awesome game

I'm so glad I'm done school. I have so much time to catch up on games like these. I missed so many, especially on handhelds. I have Tactics Ogre for PSP and GBA to work on, Fire Emblem 6 and 12 (imported the games and got patches for them), Jeanne d'Arc, and Valkyrie Chronicles 2 to work on.
and those are just the SRPG's, I have about two dozen other RPG's to work on for my GBA/DS/PSP. Won't be getting a 3DS XL for a while (want a damn redesign, the current XL is so ugly!).
But I will get Fire: Emblem Awakening day 1, even if I can't play it.

i kind of like the XL but alot of people dont like its design... oh well but out of all games coming out soon definitely getting me fire emblem!!! Im so surprised its underrated!!! Not one Fire Emblem game sold a mil but hopefully (it will) this can since about 500k in japan and america gets the other half!

These games need to be better exposed!!! Doesn't SSB help??? Thats how i first knew about the franchise back in 2001

I like the design, but I hate how it only comes in red/blue and that the front half is always black. I want a less kiddie looking colour. My GBA SP is silver, and I love it, I kind of want a solid black 3DS XL.

I'm 50/50 on Fire Emblem Awakening breaking 500k sales in Americas. It's bound to do better then Shadow Dragon, a remake, but I'm not sure if it will get over 400k like the GBA iterations. Nintendo didn't show this game at E3, and is doing very little to promote it. However it should be the first to break 1 million with the aid of Europe. It's great that this franchise is growing.

SSB is actually the reason why Fire Emblem got localized. Marth and Roy were playable characters, but before SSBM most people outside of Japan did not know who they were. It was all the hype generated by SSB that the second Fire Emblem got the green light to be localized, and man....the GBA is by far my favorite handheld now because of games like this.

SSB isn't a garentee though, Earthbound got a lot more popular with Ness in SSB, and Lucas was in SSBB, but we never saw Earthbound 2 get localized outside of Japan.

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