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I put myself through Revenge of the Sith again, dunno why really, blu-ray doesn't make it any better.
Still can't understand how someone goes from breaking up a fight, not wanting the person to die that might be able to save his wife, to murdering children in cold blood 2 minutes later. Or how a life long friend can lecture his friend while watching him slowly burn to death. Nvm the whole, Don't try it Anakin, I have the high ground. Certainly not the moral high ground. I guess that's what happens when you start with a universe with absolute good and evil, then try to add some shades of grey to it, big fail.

And I watched Anastasia with the kids. $10 new for the blu-ray, quite a steal for a 3 disc edition of an underrated movie. Very enjoyable road adventure. And I'm a sucker for hand drawn animation and backgrounds. No matter how beautiful and fluid computer animation has become I still feel it's missing something.