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Christopher Marcil has started an online petition demanding Dark Souls 2 for Nintendo Wii U. Recently at VGA 2012, Namco Bandai and From Software announced Dark Souls 2 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, but nothing was said whether the game will launch on Wii U or not. So if you own a Wii U and wants to play Dark Souls II head on over and sign the petition.

In the petition Christopher Marcil listed numerous ways Wii U could benefit Dark Souls 2. "In many ways the WiiU could benefit the game, such as managing inventory on the touch screen without having to obscure the player's vision on the TV (the Souls games do not pause, so you must be able to pay attention at all times).

The affordability of a WiiU console compared to a gaming PC, and the free online play compared to Xbox Live fees on 360, make the WiiU version ideal for anyone who does not have or want a PS3."

You can sign the petition HERE.