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27th -

Luigis Mansion is an excellent game, which I wished that I played sooner. I found little problems with this game and it prooved to be a very enjoyable game. The only problem I really had was the Boos, when they went through the walls all the time and the controls. However the controls were only bad for me because I played Banjo Kazooie before this game,  for that I had to take some time with the controller.

I thought that the core of the game was well done and I hope Luigis Mansion 2 improves on this (except that LMansion 2 has a tad bit worse controls than this game).


26th - 

It's Mario Party and my favorite one, not much to say, besides that I had a blast playing this with my family. I loved the mini-games and the boards, as they were well constructed. I also liked the different game modes of this game, as those modes saw a lot of replayability from me and sometimes me and my brother.

Mario Part 5 was my first one and is one of three that I have played.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David