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Aldro said:
Dmick90 said:
Aldro said:
Dmick90 said:
bananaking21 said:
im sorry to burst your bubble but uncharted/killzone have been doing those level of graphics since 2009

Last time I checked Killzone 3 wasn't that great according to IGN... Rated 8.5/10 compared to Halo 4's 9.8/10.

You're really bringing up reviews when Halo 4 is under 90 Meta? So technically Killzone 2 is ahead of Halo 4? What about Uncharted 3's perfect 10/10 from IGN?


Just find it funny that's all

Uncharted 3 is a fantastic game there's no doubt about it. But when it comes to PS3 shooters, Killzone 3 can't compete. Xbox 360 is the king of shooters in my opinion.

I see. Well Killzone 2 was pretty acclaimed, so "cant compete" is a bit ..too much? Killzone 2 has 91 meta (2009 release), Reach has 91 meta (2010 release). Halo 4 has 87 meta (2012 release), Killzone 3 has 84 meta (2011 release). In all fairness, its not that marginal and both are either in the 90s or 80s :P. I can see if you prefer one over the other, but I cant see how using reviews makes the PS3 not being able to compete.

Why are we using meta to compare games? Website reviews are trash.