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Another big increase in gini-coefficent by the way is another social factor that is REALLY interesting but nobody every pays attention to because it doesn't fit any fun political narratives... and would make you look sexist if taken out of context.

That is... Women in the workplace. The increasing of women in the workplace actually raises the gini-coefficent.

Why? As it turns out, rich people are highly likely to marry each other.  As income and wealth among gender evens out and careers even out. The Gini Coefficent will get higher as more rich couples form to marry super rich couples.

Instead of say... Don Draper marrying his secretary Meagan... you End up with Rich Doctor Bill Cosby marries Clair the Lawyer.

Which means his "Meagan" instead ends up with a guy who works at the local supermarket.

Not that women in the workplace is a bad thing. Quite the opposite. It's just the "Base" gini-coefficent value has changed due to demographics. Even if somehow everyone always made the same wage from now on. Gini Coefficient would rise, simply due to marriages.

Actually a lot of research seems to show that the reason upword mobility is staying stangant recently is because of this.  It's a lot easier to work your way to the top, but it's a lot harder to marry your way to the top.