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Torillian said:
JayWood2010 said:
Torillian said:

All things being equal you'd have to give ThatGameCompany the same budget as every other title and then see who makes the best game.  Why does equal ground only factor in on the back end?  

All I've agreed with you about is that Journey is at an appropriate pricepoint as it sits now.  If it were more expensive it'd be worse value, just like if ME3 was 120 dollars it'd be a worse value then it is now.  

Stop roaming around my original question.  No duh mass effect 3 would be lower if it was at 120 and i dont care about the budgets.  Simple question if all of them were priced the exact same then this would be very different.  I never said anything about budget.  Now why would Journey not get as good of reviews as the others then?  Because it isnt as good as them and why it has to be a lower price because at a higher price it would not be worth the money exactly am I supposed to debate with you if I can't poke holes in your logic?  It's like you invited me to a fight where we'd both be armed with baseball bats, and you give me a wiffleball bat when I show up.

If every game should be looked as being the same price then MMO's should win every year.  World of Warcraft has millions paying more money than it costs you to buy ME3 so whatever expansions it puts out should be the only games applicable to GotY.

If Journey were 60 dollars it would be a crappy value and would not be on this list, but it wasn't, and therefore it is.  You can't use the value of titles in pretend scenarios to decide something like GotY, you can only look at the quality of the game you played (Journey has gameplay and presentation that match up to any retail game) and if value is a consideration then it should take into account what the game costs, not what the game would cost in a pretend world where everything is 60 bucks.  That isn't the world we live in and it shouldn't be how GotY is decided.  

I get your point of view but I don't think you get mine.  There is a reason this year is highly controversial and you know it.  I'm not the only person who disagrees with the decisions they made, none the less I think Mass Effect 3 should win, and that is even considering if Halo 4 was in the mix.  Why, because I think it is the only story to have got me engaged as much as it did.