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Riot Of The Blood said:

I'm just wondering if you've considered the alternative? I mean you do realize its possible that Nintendo is in fact just the better developer according to most people's opinion's right? I'm just wondering if you're taking a reasonable stance on this or if you're taking a position of "I'm right and thats all there is too it!"?

Of course I think I'm right. I stand by my opinion that Capcom is, in fact, the superior developer. Also, I'm well aware of the fact my opinion is in the minority of this site. I also acknowledge that it is not wrong to think that Nintendo is better than Capcom, as Nintendo is a fantastic developer. With that said, I don't know where you're getting this "I'm right and thats all there is too it!" thing from. I wasn't at all forceful with my post. 

 See thats just it when you say "Capcom is, in fact, the superio developer." you are saying it is a fact  thats what "in fact" means. And since it is clearly a matter of opinion there is no factual answer to be had.  Also its worth noting that your opinion is the minority amongst those who are paid professionals in the field of rating video games...not just on this site. With that said I agree capcom is a good developer, I just don't think they are nearly as good as Nintendo. I never said that you made that claim, I simply asked if that was your position.

Riot Of The Blood said:

Basically you pointed to averge-high reviews of Capcom games and High reviews of Nintendo games and said "See look proof that capcom is the better developer and just doesn't get a fair shake!"...which sounds more like denial than anything else to me but hey its your opinion so have at it..I'm just curious if you've even considerd the possibility that you're opinion is the minority.

Both Devil May Cry and Zelda can be considered games of the same genre, and that's why I chose those two games. You can not deny the fact that Devil May Cry is a great franshice. It's one of the best games of it's genre. An 83% score is a score you give to a solid game, not a top-tier game of that genre. Devil May Cry 4's gameplay has endless depth that can only be matched by Ninja Gaiden, a game that ranks in at 94.1%. The game has a solid story, great gameplay, amazing visuals, and runs at 60 FPS; but it's only an 83% game? Something is not right. There's no doubt in my mind that the game has been underscored for rather fallacious reasons. If you think I'm in denial of something, go right ahead and call me out on it. As I've already in my previous paragraph -- the one right above this one -- I understand that my opinion is in the minority. A large majority of this site shows unprecedented favoritism towards Nintendo, so I'm not expecting people to agree with my stance. However, it's always fun to debate with other gamers that are passionate about their favorite developers.


 I actually specifically mentioned in my post that DMC was a good series, but I disagree completely if you think it makes the top 5 list and probably not even the top 10.  Clearly that is an area of opinion though so I won't go into it. Most of this is your opinion but I have to ask if you think there is a conspiracy against Capcom or just DMC specifically?  Why else would all these reviewers give it a low score if not because it was true?  The only other thing I can think of is a you believe there is a conspiracy?  Your first line is right, there is something "not right" and since the choices are (A) You're wrong -OR- (B) "The vast majority of the gaming population including all the major review sites  are wrong." It should be obvious what the answer is... yet for some reason you choose option B??  So yeah I absolutely think you're in denial.


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