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The new store is really good though. The aesthetics are nice but it is more organized than the previous store thanks to the menu list on the left. It looks very similar to Metro except not as restrained to tiles or as blocky looking. The list on the left makes it much better than sorting through tiles on metro as well.

The old store was only organized during a few points of its life. Last year was probably the best for it, since they messed stuff up more after the Instant Game Collection and their attempts to make PS Plus stick out more. What that did was jumble everything around. On the new store the text on the left makes it more navigable and while the right can have flashy banner style tiles you can choose to ignore them and select what you want from the list on the left and go into a list format that displays different titles in rows of three similar to the old store (if you set it to that view).

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(