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Aura7541 said:
thismeintiel said:
kowenicki said:


Some Sony fans actually believe numbers can rise forever.  Its laughable and quite tragic.  I've got ethomaz in another thread stating the PS3 will sell more in Europe in the next 4 years than it has in the previous 4 years to now!?!? I mean.... WTF!?

What would you consider "massive."  I predict its going to be ~10% down next year, maybe even flat during Black Friday week.  Reasons being a full year of Super Slim effect, a cut to $199 (probably mid-year), a lot more AAA exclusives compared to this year, and a $150 Black Friday bundle.

PS3 sales rising YOY next year is not out of the question, but highly unlikely, to me. I can totally see the PS3 matching the amount of sales this year in 2013. If FF Versus XIII and The Last Guardian are actually released in Q4 2013, the 2013 PS3 sales may exceed sales of this year. However, that's a huge if.

it's definitely not impossible when you consider they had no exclusive hits this year and have 2 surefire ones next year (God of War and Last of Us) and a couple potential multimillion sellers (Sly and Beyond) along with Puppeteer which could get big through word of mouth like Journey.

Also factor in that they stayed at $250 this whole year, but when the new slim came out they put games in with it so once they start selling the system by itself it'll be cheaper ($199 most likely) and reach a mass market price.  It seems like going under each hundred ($399, $299, $199) is more significant than the in between price cuts for a lot of consumers so that should give it quite the boost.  I think they should announce that, along with PS4 details at E3 and maybe reveal a big holiday title to keep PS3 up during the end of the year with its price cut once that early in the year software is out.

Overall I say PS3 stays flat in 2013, if not increase a little.  I like to think of myself as a rational fanboy.  While I always have bought Sony systems first, its because they have all my favorite franchises and studios on their side.  Also I'm not a blind follower as I didn't fall the Vita trap and only subscibed to PS+ once they got serious with those E3 reveals.  They treat me well and I stay loyal.  Also I have a Wii and have enjoyed a great deal of games on there and have nothing but respect for what Nintendo has brought to gaming (platformers are my favorite genre so I'll always end up buying their systems eventually).  Xbox on the other hand can burn in hell and give SEGA the money to launch another console please.

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