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Desroko said:
It was after World War I, actually. Saudi Arabia was founded in 1923, for example. And we didn't put Castro in power - Fulgencio Batista was a US client.

And you didn't answer the question. You think it's great that we liberated the Iraqis, who are now free to fight a civil war. Why don't we do the same for oppressed people everywhere, though? What makes Iraq so special?

Besides the oil, of curse.

 So I got my World Wars mixed up =P still a huge mess that was made.

And as far as your question, yeah if we get information that they're threatening us sure, we messed up first time around with bad info we would just know to REALLY check it, by your logic, what makes other countries with oil and dictatorships not on our radar of attack.

To be trying to say its all one man's evil plot to just get Iraq's oil is stupid, we could have went out a drilled in more places for cheaper and he couldn't have gotten the approval to stay without Songress, and if you don't believe that it was all Bush's idea, then you would have to think it was all of Congresses idea, which is even crazier.... 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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