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Some thoughts

It would have been nice to have seen the full context instead of just the single quote. Then the "Not Very" (quotes in original) would have maybe been more easily explained.

That being said, there are several possible reasons for the respnose.

One is that NPD has really made its week-to-week numbers a lot more accurate. However, I doubt much as changed. Remember an interview a couple of months ago in the News section where an insider talked about how widely they varied.

Another is that Capcom has its own internal tracking system and can tell you exactly how many people have purchased each title at any given time. ... But given the resellers that is all but impossible.

More likely are the explanations others have offered. One being that Capcom is comparing its internal sales numbers (to dealers) to VGChartz numbers (to consumers). Another being that Capcom is comparing the December software sales numbers problems to the NPD data.

Remember, the sales numbers are considered strong when pre-corrected they are +/- 25% or so. Even the masters of the site realize that is an area that needs attention and are working to improve the estiatmations. However, considering how much we pay for this site (last time I looked ... nada), I feel the data is very worthwile.

If someone wants "more accurate" data, they can always pay for NPD. But then again without Wal-Mart and Toys R Us, how accurate is that data?

Mike from Morgantown


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