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bertlsenix said:

wow people in this Gen
Really only played like 2 different games/Franchises this Gen right?CoD and probably Halo or Gears.

There are tons of games looking better than any CoD
CoD is using an Engine were its core is from 1999 - Its running on 576p on consoles and still looks like crap on PC.

On consoles we have tons of PS3 Exclusives - Enough names are mentioned in this Thread alreay.
THEN behind those comes Halo 4(sorry but that game looks only better than a AAA PS3 Exclusive if you played them on your watchdisplay after an eye operation or so).
We still have coming out games like The Last of Us,God of War A.,Beyond Two Souls and some others maybe we still don't know about.

On PC its not even in the top 100 probably.
Especially if you compare it to games with mods - Just saying > Skyrim running with 100 mods
Look it up - PC is already 2 whole Gens ahead.Sadly fans have to show the power cause developers rather sacrifice possibilities.You can't tell me Bethesda couldn't create one version for PC and bring the crap version for consoles.
They made awesome numbers with the PC Version - They should have done it like DICE with Battlefield 3 aka the best looking Shooter without Mods in this Gen.This Game alone shows how far ahead a PC Shooter could be and how good PC Games can sell.

1 Map alone in Multiplayer on Battlefield 3 is bigger than all maps of CoD together.
It has more Detail - Is big like nothing else - Is made for 64 players that run,drive and fly around and looks just fucking stunning.
What has CoD?Oh yea maps that are as big as my bathroom....Not even on that it looks great.
And i don't count Crysis 2 - Sure it looks good but they changed it from an open world to a hallway shooter cause consoles were to weak.And the Release version on PC was garbage too.It looked nearly identical to the console version.
Mods made it look great but it still is a hallway shooter and the MP isn't demonstrating something either,especially not the Power of a PC.

Lol@ Black Ops 2
There are even some Phone Games that look better.
Graphics King on Consoles goes over a PS3 Exclusive and on PC we have to see what games are able to be modded or how confident a developer is in its game(for example like DICE)

no joke i believe all of your 100+ posts are about three things: "game is copy&paste" , "bahh halo or cod" or "omgomgplaystation"

the copy&paste stuff alone should be in 30 posts of you haha