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finalsquall said:
Well seeing that most laws, morals and ethics have been based around religions. I think it's the basis of our society and still is a good foundation for society (I'm coming from the Christian side as it has the most influence in western society - I'm unsure of their countries and their religions). My view however is based the human voice - freedom to vote, free speech and debate what is right, just and appropriate for the time/age of society.

I always see this argument and it's a faulty one. It is religion that has based it's laws around what human societies naturally deem unacceptable. Rape, murder and theft were considered bad by society long before any of todays major religions existed and it will remain when todays major religions die out. Most doctrines are also completely incompatible with what humans now consider immoral. Corporal punishment and animal cruelty are considered bad things in the majority of the western world yet most religions rarely mention. In many cases (such as corporal punishment) christianty and islam promote it. And no one is saying that you can't have faith and opinions on social issues, but you can't enforce your opinions on everyone else through law. For arguments sake your $deity says that homosexual relationships are wrong and should be outlawed. Then through a majority vote it became outlawed. That would be imposing your religion on other people regardless of their belief. In essence, what I'm saying is that your faith is fine as a guiding moral compass that you can personally follow, but if you tried to have your faith enshrined in law then you have overstepped the seperation of church and state.