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Even if there was only one religion in the world I would still say no. To me anybody who is true to their religion would follow it regardless of the law to try and save others by mixing religion politics adn law confuses the issues adn blurs teh lines between law and morality which are two unique and seperate things. If I felt something was moral I would break the law. I am a big fan of Kohlberg on this one with his stages of moral development.

Level 1 (Pre-Conventional)
1. Obedience and punishment orientation
(How can I avoid punishment?)
2. Self-interest orientation
(What's in it for me?)
Level 2 (Conventional)
3. Interpersonal accord and conformity
(The good boy/good girl attitude)
4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation
(Law and order morality)
Level 3 (Post-Conventional)
5. Social contract orientation
6. Universal ethical principles