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i played the motorstorm demo, was fun but nothing i would buy for 60 bucks, or 30 for that matter. i hate, like HATED infamous 1, i got it when the PSN hack happened last year and the game was boringin my opinion, didnt finish it but i put about 4 hours into the game. and didnt they announce that the last Gaurdian is still in development and they are still working on the tittle? like i remember them saying so a couple of weeks ago

Yeah I played the demo as well, just not my style I suppose.  I actually liked the 1st InFamous much better.  I mean it wasnt amazing but it was the 1st game I platinumed haha Who knows about The Last Guardian, I've heard them say so many things I can't remember anymore.  I think I do remember hearing they are bringing in another team to help out though, but don't quote me on that.  here is to hoping for info at E3 lol