JEMC said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
First: A8-3850 + HD 7670 400 VLIW5 + 480 VLIW5 => 880 VLIW5 -> VLIW4 => 704 Second: A10-5700 + HD-7670 384 VLIW4 + 480 VLIW5 => 864 VLIW4/5 -> VLIW4 => 768 I have heard that the third generation of the test Orbis uses an APU with GCN2. Unknown APU + HD8770 384 GCN2 + 768 GCN2 -> 1152 GCN2 It is assumed that the APU only has four cores because AMD doesn't plan to increase the core count other than the GPU cores from now on. via neogaf/jeff rigby/anandtechforums
I find it hard to believe the HD8770 part, if only because the HD8xxx series of cards have been delayed to at least March 2013, making it a very risky bet for Sony (or Msoft) to use one of those cards if they plan to launch the console later in 2013.
Certainly it's not impossible, but it will bring another problems to the table (cost, available supply, etc).
Didn't they do that with the Vita?