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@Danne. You keep diverting my suggestion towards 2nd party bolstering. It's not that I disagree with it, but I believe that snagging THIRD party exclusives is more important in capturing the HD twin consumerbase, because the bias is inexistent.

Not being a push-over, just being realistic, is all.

HoloDust said:

1) To be honest, if I was 3rd party developer, and saw Nintendo's push for 3rd parties on WiiU, and than saw how they undedeveloped their hardware in some cruical areas that will just raise the price for me if I want to develop for it (and it will, considering all current and future HD consoles have/will have powerful CPUs, so I have to do special "GeePeeGeePee U" magic, if that's even possible for some of game code that is performing poorly, like AI, or make my port performing/looking worse compared to other versions), quite possibly I might be pretty pissed at Nintendo to.

2) I'm hoping they will do exatly that - they have enough money and IPs from which to draw to make some new and exciting IPs that will bring back N64 diversity they ones had. That said, as I mentioned before - Guardians of Zelda (Shadows of the Hylians), action-adventure-RPG with Shekiahs in main role, for me please :)

@2. And that's why I always said the onus is on Nintendo to break the stigma and make it happen by building the momentum THEMSELVES. If they did, then Pachter would be right, because at least a partition of their 1st party offerings would be of a completely different nature.