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"I'm not speaking for an entire community. I'm speaking for myself, as one person. Sony has lost me, as a valued customer, unless it can prove unequivocally that the next generation will be different… because they have underperformed in all phases during this generation to the point that the PlayStation 3 is a "second class" platform that could never realistically compete with either the Wii or the Xbox 360."

So he doesn't have a fucking clue of what the next generation of consoles are gonna be like or how easy or hard they are gonna be to develop for, but he already decided that he will not get the PS4? His main beef is that third party games are not as shinny and smooth in the PS3 as they are they are in the 360. I give him that, yes that design choice has cost Sony a lot. But that was a decision made in 2005, 7 years ago, maybe more. I find it really hard that Sony is going to make the same choice again. This logic seems flawed to me, it screams "I am mad SONY! Listen to ME!"