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Dmick90 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Dmick90 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
kowenicki said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
kowenicki said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The only two months of the year Microsoft really cares about. No surprise to see the 360 selling well during the holidays in America. Microsoft has nothing left in the tank software wise for 2013. All thats left in Gears in first quarter and thats it.

And a massive back catalogue of sensational games, new adopters kinda like that. 

Come know Halo 4 had something to do with it. Last year it was Kinect and this year its Halo, be at peace with it. Microsoft knows they dont have much so they properly place the games where the largest amount of numbers will come in. Its common sense, but kudos to them for having it. The next Gears is set for Q1 so you know they are on their way out. Microsoft wouldnt in their right mind launch Gears anytime but forth quarter otherwise. 

That want really my point, I was merely saying that new buyers of consoles don't look just at new games. They are NEW adopters, they are buying into a whole back catalogue. Plenty of sales for 360 in the US next year and especially when a deep and official price cut comes.

Come on, admit it, Microsoft has two games that are console sellers, but theres is only one Halo and its in their posession. Microsoft wont drop price until september. Thats the only time of the year they see fit to cut price and that will probably be because there will be no more new games and they will be shipping out for a totally new gen. Sales have given them no incentive to drop price. If Microsoft was to drop price they should've done it two years ago. They've only truly dropped $100 since they launched the 360. That and they've more than profited off of the dumbasses who buy the 4GB and are forced to hand Microsoft an extra thirty dollars for the 320 GB HD. They've also played it very smart because they should've dropped price in 2011 and the Kinect bundle destroyed all during Black Friday. Microsoft can bundle their consoles and there would be no legit reason to drop the price of the console because of consumer reaction. They are in profit heaven right now. ;)

The PS3 only has two games that are system sellers! Whatever Naughty Dog churns out and Gran Turismo. They rely too heavily on third party support to carry the system. Hate to break it to you but Playstation All Stars Battle Royale (Smash Bros Rip Off) isn't going to save their butts. Sony's blockbuster games pale in comparison to Microsoft's blockbuster offerings in terms of system sellers. Next year Microsoft will probably be rolling out a slimmer Xbox 360 with price cuts and launching the new Xbox 720. With two Xboxs they can still rake in big profits from the 360 and use that to break even on the loss of the new 720. That is going to thwart PS3 sales and Sony will be cornered and frantically rushing out the PS4. Thats is my prediction.

Naughty Dog and churned out two of Sony's most popular games in Crash and Uncharted and soon it will be a third The Last of Us. Sony hasn't bundled Playstation Allstars and everyone knew it wasnt going to be a runaway hit without bundling (Come on, really? With Sonys advertising?). Sonys blockbuster games pale in comparison because they are more story driven and focus on building characters, where as Microsoft is the king of the shooters console. Right now the hottest games are within the FPS to TPS genres (Which is why Sony and EA were digging to find the perfect FPS). The 360's profits are only as strong as the holiday season title they have to keep their value up. 2013 the PS3 is going to be having wall to wall games, so Microsoft is thwarting nothing. The only thing next year that can thwart Sony are themselves ::Cough::Marketing!::Cough::. Again, Gears is their last game and its launching in first quarter which means somethings up. We'll see at E3. Sony is going out with a bang and can survive longer than Microsoft based on game development alone. Talking about the sales of a console without anything to back it up in 2013 is empty.

The Xbox was created by a team of very passionate gamers, Seamus Blackley, Kevin Bachus, Ted Hase, and Otto Berkes. So i'm not really sure where you are getting this Microsoft doesn't put games first bullshit. Blu Ray players have been slow to catch on even today so I wouldn't say they have proven their worth yet. Blu Rays are still more expensive than DVDs to produce and game developers haven't really taken much advantage of the extra storage space as far as I can tell. DVDs still have plenty of space for most games and if a programmer needs extra space for extra content they can simply offer DLCs. Microsoft's goal with Xbox was to put a dent in PS2 sales because the PS2 at the time of its launch was a big threat to PC game sales and the PC in general. I don't think they intended to monopolize anything, they knew what they were getting themselves into and that it was going to be hard taking on Sony. Ever since the launch of the PS2 it seemed that fun, casual games were put on the backburner. And you have to take into account the number of people who bought the PS2 solely for the DVD player. You know the biggest hit on the PS2 when it launched was Matrix? Think about it, why didn't the PS3 fly off store shelves like the PS2 did? Because the PS3 was more evolutionary than revolutionary. The DVD player was a big thing back in early 00s, and when the PS3 launched with the Blu Ray player people were like meh I don't really need that, i'm perfectly happy with my DVD player. And the PS3 launch games were very lackluster, and boring. That is why PS3 has struggled to catch on this gen, the hype over the DVD player is over and now Sony has to go back to relying on making good games again because the Blu Ray players alone will not sell them this time in big numbers like PS2 did with DVD. Do you understand? Now you tell me who puts Multimedia first...

The Xbox was created in retaliation to Sonys market dominance.  Seamus was the sole member of the Xbox team to stay after the original Xbox launched. Microsoft couldnt give two shits about an actual gaming console until they brought it up at a board meeting. I know the story, Seamus and his DirectX team  studied the specs on the PS2 inside and out before they even launched the Xbox. Anyone is a threat to PC is trying to in some way become a multimedia hub, but Sony never took it overboard, Microsoft will. Sony puts multimedia first because they create hardware and that hardware can be the format lead for their console. Microsoft wants multimedia not a format lead but simply to create an objective of having an all in one device (like a cable box/PC hybrid). Gamers come second in all of this, because Microsoft knows they wont leave because of games like Halo and Gears. Meanwhile, Sony is walking out of this gen loaded with games, because that is their aim and their goal. The way you walk out of a room is sometimes a better impression than the way you came. Microsoft is going on with Apple the same way they always have as well. Sony set out to prove that console games could be just as much a viable option as PC games, Microsoft set out to shut out that notion and just ended up helping them at the same time by increasing the consoles dominance and now PC game companies are focusing on consoles. Microsoft failed to save PC gaming. Steam and Blizzard saved PC gaming, plain and simple. It wont get anymore clear cut than that. Who was going to stand up for console games, Nintendo? Hah! The way Nintendo was running things (no matter how great it was to me as a kid) was making PC gamers scroff and arcade heads laugh when those markets were still majorly popular. The PS2's existence changed all of that and the Xbox 360 only furthered Sonys aspirations. There existence is only to be the North American alternative. 85% of their games will mirror one another at all times, because that Microsofts reason for being in gaming, to keep Sony down.