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My 48th (Minecraft) has been eliminated from the list and for that a new 50th has risen.

New 50th -

Super Paper Mario was a very enjoyable game. I liked the change, despite what everyone else has said. The game had certainly the best humor in the series and aswell characters that made up some of the worse qualities of the games.

However the game does not leave without it's faults, like for example, chapter 04 was a very badly done chapter, but that might just be me. The lack of Luigi playability was also quite dissapointing, I know that this might seem to be just my opinion, but seriosly Peach was quite useless. Luigi would have been funner to play as and aswell his dialouge would be more enjoyable. 

Even with the complaints, I quite liked the 2D-3D mechanic, as it prooved to be clever at some points. I also hope that many of you that have played this game enjoyed it.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David