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DIAR said: rendo said: I can read inbetween the lines, but it as been said before it is hard to detect sarcasm online, this is because you can't tell clearly if the person meant it as a joke or not. ^^^ For sure don't correct someones grammar. That comma should be a period. When you finish a thought, you use a period, not a comma. I suppose your entire life is a comma right DIAR? The Wii outsold, and continues to outsell the 360 since launch. The Wii has been outsold by the 360 in the USA. Go get the numbers.
I love how he completely ignores the grammar remark now that he has been put in his place. I don't care if the Wii was outsold for 2 months when the market was saturated with 360 consoles. I care how the Wii does WW. You're utterly useless if you think outselling in a holiday period, when you have no supply issues, warrants a "360 ftw, omg outsold Wii" mentality. Dumbass.