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- 4GB RAM, 1.8 TFLOP AMD GPU (28nm) on APU design, x4 USB 3.0 slots, Blu-Ray drive.

- $399.99 base (32GB flash), $499.99 Deluxe (1TB HDD + game included).

- HDDs are now proprietary Sony brand, flash drives up to 64GB are supported.

- GoogleTV functionality.

- Can wirelessly send a video signal to Vita or smartphone screen or tablet (iPad, Nexus, etc.) for off-TV play.

- New Dual Shock Move controller, splits apart and can be used like a dual handed Dual Shock, or recombined to function as a regular Dual Shock pad. Has a smaller/sleeker PSEye camera that supports 720p video.

- November 2013 Launch Date. Battlefield 4, Cod Modern Warfare 4, Grand Theft Auto V, Star Wars 1313, Watch Dogs, Ridge Racer, as launch titles, 2-3 titles from Sony internally. Uncharted Trilogy HD coming in 1080P HD.