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They can't possibly do any worse than Lucas did when he hat total control over Episodes I-III. It's not easy to make movies based off of the biggest movie franchise of all time that are not only ball-numbingly boring and dumb, but completely obliterate the story and canon of the franchise beyond repair in the process.

I for one am glad that episodes VII-IX are being made now for three reasons...

1: Lucas no longer has complete control over every aspect of the movies. This point alone should keep the new films from being anywhere near as bad as the prequels were.
2: They're not doing a reboot or remaking the originals, which would have been an easy route to go in light of all the reboots done to major franchises over the past decade as Hollywood continues to run out of ideas and displays a complete lack of creativity.
3: The screenwriter of Toy Story 3 is doing Episode VII, and the screenwriter of Empire and Jedi is coming back for VIII and IX. Plus, Billy Dee Williams, aka Lando is rumored to be returning along with most of the original cast in some form for one or all of the sequels. So far, so good.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.