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Kasz216 said:
MDMAlliance said:
Kasz216 said:
MDMAlliance said:

If we count games that you cannot emulate and games across the other consoles, there are definitely more Console-exclusive games worth playing than PC.  This is, however, rather subjective to begin with.  DOTA 2, LoL, and HoN aren't quite games I'm used to.  Maybe one day I'll start playing games like those, but right now I'm not into that genre very much.

The games I recognize from that list are Civilization, DOTA 2, LoL, HoN, and Torchlight 2.  

I know other games you'd surely list, I'm not completely oblivious to PC-exclusives.  I have a few myself.

Why wouldn't you count games that consoles can't emulate.

Hell, the mere fact that there are genres that consoles can't emulate is a HUGE negative for consoles. no?

You don't get to play God of War?  There are plenty of games like it on PC.

While if you don't game on PC, there are tons of things you'll never expierence.

I think there's a misunderstanding here. I'm talking about console games PC's cannot emulate.  I know that there's always the "possibility" to emulate them, but not all of them are presently possible.  I am including those into the list of games consoles have that PC's don't.  

Oh, i see what your saying...

I mean... your wrong, but I see what your sayiing.

Though it seems kinda silly to count ALL consoles together, rather then whatever you would consider to be the single strongest console in that regard.


The rest of the point stands though.  I can think of only about 2 games on consoles that don't have PC equivlents, while there are whole genres that don't exist on consoles.  Let alone a specific one.

But this works both ways depending on where you're looking for games.  

It's not really about having equivalents, too.  There are genres that PCs do better than consoles, but there are definitely genres that consoles do better than PCs. 

Also, I am not sure which genres you're referring to that do not exist.  MMORPG exists on consoles.  I am sure MOBA and RTS games both exist on consoles as well.  
I don't think I can be wrong on the main point I was making though.  That point comes down to my personal taste in games just being more readily available in console form (and is much more convenient and tends to play way better on consoles).  I doubt you really can say that I don't know what I'm talking about when I had taken a 5 year period time away from console gaming and went only PC.  I know a lot of what kind of games the PCs have, but I also know that there are a huge number of games the PC do not have of this generation and last generation, and some even from the generation before that due to anti-piracy stuff.  That, or some games are just not very well known (and some good games are).