Orochimaru said: @prosugno: I´m a little bit confused about these hardware numbers (because of the 90% and 100%, you know). Could you post the hardware numbers from October, which are extrapolated to 100% please? Thx very much. :) |
Numbers give by prosugno:
Hardware September Italy
DS 65.000
PS2 48.000
PSP 43.500
PS3 13.000
360 11.500
WII 8.000
PS2: 4.817.000
DS: 1.279.000
PSP: 805.000
X360: 241.000
PS3: 146.500
WII: 131.500
Hardware October Italy
1 DS 60.000 (92,3%)
2 PS3 43.500 (92,55%)
3 PS2 37.500 (92,59%)
4 PSP 36.500 (92,4%)
5 WII 17.000 (94,44%)
6 360 13.000 (92,85%)
PS2: 4.854.500
DS: 1.339.000
PSP: 841.500
X360: 254.000
PS3: 190.000
WII: 148.500
Numbers give on neogaf without a link:
Hardware chart September Italy
DS 70.000
PS2 51.500
PSP 47.000
PS3 14.000
360 12.000
WII 9.000
(a link for september: http://www.mondoxbox.com/news/10761/vendite-hardware-in-italia-per-il-mese-di-settembre.html
with the confirmation of prosugno, it's really the extrapolation to 100 percent of the market (he said me in a precedent post, the post where i post these numbers).
For memory there was this at this link:
Vendite hardware totali Italia (Fino al 30 settembre)PS2: 4.969.000
X360: 267.000
PS3: 150.000
WII: 129.000
DS: 1.434.500
PSP: 883.000 )
Italy Hardware Chart October
1 DS 65.000
2 PS3 47.000
3 PS2 40.500
4 PSP 39.500
5 WII 18.000
6 360 14.000
PS3 - 197.000
Wii - 110.500
Xbox 360 - 110.000
Total Hardware Chart in Italy (till 28 october)
1 PS2: 5.010.500
2 DS: 1.499.500
3 PSP: 922.500
4 X360: 281.000
5 PS3: 197.000
6 WII: 147.000
So apparantly orochimaru, i find what you want.
Edit: It's a courtesy of Kallisto76 at Neogaf, so as for november and december that i already post. Conclusion, it must be the right numbers extrapolated for september (sure because my other link) and october with the LTD numbers extrapolated for end october.
second edit: strange is the extrapolation for the wii LTD. Because the numbers extrapolated is under the number LTD give by prosugno, what can't be possible normally.