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I'll attempt to avoid you in the future, however, I'll continue to call BS on passive-agressive posts against any particular system, with the intent to insult the userbase, owners, manufacturers, or developers who work on said system, as I see them.

No one should be forced to have their console laughed at, in an intelligent conversation.

No to even mention the fact that you seem to be totally against the supported-logic presented by Skater Boy(because we know Square-Enix loves multiplats), you said:

"It would be a PS360 game, with watered downed version for Wii with waggle control"

...implying of course, that real games are on the PS3 or 360, and all Wii versions are simply inferior unplayable ports with poor controls, graphics, and features. Motion controls are marginalized with the term "waggle."

These comments are insulting to Wii-owners, and even if they have some truth, you should have the class to not bring it up unless its called for, which, fyi, is not every other post you make.

You don't like the Wii, we get it. Now, keep it to yourself and we won't keep running into this problem.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.