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Actually while Civil Laws avoid a lot of religious run flaws in governments, they also have their own issues.

Democracies unbound by things like religion tend to start voting for things they want, instead of things they need... reason beign democracies arn't stable enough, and politicians start toadying to what people want to hear, instead of what needs to be done.

Theocracy's are actually about as stable a government as you can get. As a bonus, unlike dictators they tend to have a doctrine they follow that somewhat ensures the good of the people.

The only problem with Theocracys is that they are too stable and people in charge end up getting corrupt with their own power and stop ruling with the good of the nation in mind and even stop following the original teaching put down and alter things for their own good.

Like the Catholic Church during the crusades. They wern't exactly a theocracy but other countries did what it followed... and eventually they built in a number of laws to curve other peoples power and named it religious doctrine. Things like preventing priests for marrying and having sex to make sure that the catholic churches power stays centralized. They also tend to surpress other relgions, once again to keep said power.

Then things like that stick and it becomes religious law and we end up with cluttered religious laws. Jewish people can only eat kosher food for example, could that only be Jewish law becauase people found that people got sick eating these other animals if they weren't prepaired right?

Those laws that seem anti-gay and that god wants you have kids in christanity (and judiasm), could that be because child birth was very important to the strength of a group of people?

The real problem about religious rule isn't religion. It's people. Which is the same problem with EVERY form of government.

An ideal system would be one kind of like current democracies, yet not as unstable. One where the rulers feel insecure enough to screw over the people, but not so insecure that they are afraid to make laws that are for the good of the people, but also are not what the people want.

The best government would be a dictatorhip by some actual inccoruptable figure who can see things from two sides, and then a line of people like that.  Which has been tried both in dictatorships and theocracys, but fails as there are very very few people like that, and those people arn't the kind of people that are waving their hands to be surpreme ruler over everyone. 

Ironically to have a perfect government, it would pretty much have to be ruled by God.   Or some sort of perfect comuter of logic, but even then said computer would just be influenced by those who created him.

Heh maybe a computer made by god.