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Dude everything you point out is the usual - 'not everyone in the religion is like that' etc.

The simple fact is that the Church and religions do go together. The major religions all have places of faith, rituals and all are based on views developed when when as a race we didn't even know why we could sit in a chair instead of falling right through it (clue, it's not becuase it's solid).

I don't want to attack your faith, but don't come back to me with nonsense responses and call me uninformed when you are clearly unable to see past the limits of your own faith.

The negative impact of religion when it influences running of a country or state (which was the original post) far outweighs any benefits. This is not opinion but simply based on historical facts. There's a reason the Christian faith had a reformation, there's a reason why in most Western countries church and politics have been seperated.

All laws are based on opinions. Democracy is just a nice method of avoiding having everyone meet in a field and fight. Mostly the larger force wins, so why not just vote instead and let the majority win... get it?

What I'm saying is all religions are products of our imagintion. We developed them just as we develop civil laws. I'm saying I prefer civial laws as they tend, when well developed, to be superior and to avoid the negative elements of religion that come with the good 'it's moral stance'.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...