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Gaming Discussion - DMC Demo - View Post

AndrewWK said:
Heavenly_King said:
disolitude said:
JustThatGamer said:

Having control of the camera in a hack 'n slash game is an unnecessary burden. Having a dynamic fixed camera is one of the reasons God of War has such a film-like feel and why it is such a joy to play, why would I want to constantly be adjusting the camera when the developers can use it to show me the best viewing angles of the action automatically and guide me through the levels whilst showing off the beautiful environments in a grand and purposeful way. And using the right analogue stick to dodge is a lot easier and more comfortable than pressing multiple buttons simultaneously. The flawless camera system is one of the bigger reason no other franchise in the genre will ever match God of War in sales, fan-base or acclaim because every other game has a frustrating camera system, although Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has a very good camera, it hardly ever frustrated me and I think it'll be near-perfect in Castlevania: Lord of Shadow 2.

Fixed cameras for this genre is the only way it should be done, also God of War's camera is never completely static like some ill-informed known haters suggest, it's constantly following the player like a well trained dog and always makes sure you can clearly see exactly what needs to be seen.

Review: DmC demo.

I have never liked the Devil May Cry franchise, so here's an opinion from someone who was 100% willing to give DmC a fair chance to impress (I played the demo on the PS3 by the way).

I hated it, here's why:


It is incredibly ugly graphical, aliasing is hideously distracting, shadows look terrible, character models suck, the environments were bland and looked extremely unpolished for a game so far in development and the lighting was offensively overdone. The game also had a terrible frame-rate, it stuttered all the time and the screen-tearing is such an eye-sore.


The camera is horrible and had an annoying tendency to look at the floor during the platforming moments, the combat is overly complicated yet weirdly shallow. The game feels unresponsive and isn't fun to play, also the amount of enemies on-screen was far too few, you'll be lucky to have 5 on screen at once which makes trying to pull of combos frustrating when there isn't enough enemies to kill. Also cut-scenes are far too frequent during gameplay to the point were they are jarring and completely ruin the flow and immersion.


The voice acting is decent enough, as are the sound effects but the OST is atrocious but that's just my opinion, I prefer an orchestral scores. Also hopefully this isn't present in the full game but the sound constantly kept cutting out which is extremely annoying.

Needless to say I will not be buying the game as there is no way all of my issues can be fixed by launch, it's a shame but oh well, God of War: Ascension and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 are guaranteed to be spectacular and they both will release next year.

Just curious, did you like or play Baynoetta or Ninja Gaiden?

Cause I quite dislike Lords of Shadow and God of War III but in general like DMC (1 and 3), NG and Baynoetta. Something about multitasking combat, camera and weapons/powerups that makes me like the Japanese hack and slash games while the GOW inspired ones feel like a total gameplay grind. Static camera kills it for me as well as it makes it feel like everything is on rails and predictable. 

I know there are people that like the GOW stayle of hack and sladh games so I'm just wondering if your review of DMC is reflective of your gaming preferences. If you dislike NG and Baynoetta, that is most likely the case...

I like God of War, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta, and DMC1,2,3,4; but I hate everything I have seen of this game, so I dont think what you are asking matters at all.....but that is my opinion ¬_¬ (yeah I am looking to you mod).

so you liked DMC 2 & 4?

For me their respective scores when they were released are like this:

DMC1: 9.5/10.

DMC2: 6/10.  Enjoyable; nothing spectacular, but still fun.

DMC3: 9/10. I think It is way better than DMC1, but it does not had the same WOW factor that DMC1 had when it was released.

DMC4: 8/10.  The game starts not so engaging as DMC1/3, but the more you play it the better it gets, and when you play with Dante with all his styles and different wapons it is a BLAST!

If you dont like DMC4 I really dont know what to tell you.