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Jumpin said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Jumpin said:

You are making the assumption that the 3DS counterparts are poor versions of home console versions; similar to the Vita. This is not the case. Mario Kart 7 isn't a half-assed version of a console game: with flight and undersea travel, it's actually more advanced than the console version. Kid Icarus is also significantly better than its NES console counterpart, as is Ocarina of Time, etc...

You are assuming that the Vita games are without any strong basis. Everyone who is a fan of the subsequent series and who have played the game say otherwise. Its easy to make such claims when you have never tried them, or don't take into consideration what kind of changes would be plausible in the first place.

Also, how about the fact Vita Haters dismiss Persona 4 Golden as a legitimate game fore Vita because it is also....a remake port. Are you trying to tell me that that too is a poor version of P4 as that is how you are portraying Vita games? What about LBP Vita which adds whole new ways of customization and control schemes exclusive to the vita, its own story as well? None of these games count because they are supposedly "lesser versions of console games". Yet you want me to take pleas that games like Zelda Oot are not? Does Zelda:OoT even add any features to the game?

I just want the lot of you to really think this through. You don't know what you are talking about when you make such claims because you usually have not experienced these games yourself or are not even fans of the series they come from. Mario and co are simply more popular so they sell better. Uncharted is still relatively new, and hasn't carved it's niche into handheld market just yet, as well as all the other titles yet they are doing everything right for portable versions. They do just as much to fit the handheld scene as any of the 3DS titles. So dismissing them entirely due to where they came from is silly and juvenile, and when the same is asked of you lot you come up empty handed as well.

Actually I do have a strong basis for saying Vita versions of console games are weaker versions than their console counterparts. You need look no further than reviews of Uncharted, Assassins Creed, and Call of Duty.

As people and all reviews have mentioned, yes! Ocarina of Time is a remake which improves over the original in a meaningful way.

The bottom line is, when home console ports or sequels are released to 3DS, they are usually improved on over their console counterparts.

Vita games are not rated that much lower or higher than what is available on 3DS. If we look at some of the top games 3DS has Zelda OoT at 94, Persona 4 Golden on Vita on the other hand will be at a 96(once they update the 15+ reviews they are missing). LBP PSVita is an 88, and Super Mario 3D Land is a 90. Only a 2 point differerence(and as many will dispute, an unfair one). Kid Icarus and Gravity Rush are appropriately tied at an 83. Vita, for comparison purposes has the better version of Zero Escape. Mortal Kombat and SFIV tied at 85. Colors at an 89 is multiplatform. Mutant Blob is 86, Pushmo is 90. VVVVV is 83, Sound Shapes is 84. MGS3D a 78 and Resident Evil Rev a 82, on Vita front MGS Collection comes to an 81. Star Fox 64 3D is a 81, Uncharted GA an 80. See, all very close to each other as far as quality titles go and as somone demonstrated for me earlier, Reviewers are giving Vita harsh comparisons to console which drives their scores down.

For Zelda OoT 3D, I just read and watched some reviews. From what they told me it seems like updated graphics, remapping of controls to fit the system, an added Master Quest(aka Hard Mode) and Gauntlet Arena thing. So....from that I can see it does not update the original in any LARGE way, at least in comparison to what the PSVita remakes have done. At least in P4G, they have added many new game mechanics within the combat like team attacks, online social functions, brand new story paths and areas to explore, as well as the checkpoints zelda added.

As I have proved many times is this thread, the myth of 3DS games achieving some level of status or doing some unique trick of the trade for portables (that Vita somehow isn't doing) is undoubtedly false and I would just like it to stop being perpatrated.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)