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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
To answer your question (from the Vita Thread), Super Mario 3D Land is entirely built for 3DS. It has bit-sized levels compared to 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy series. Plus, they are each built for speed-runs for each level unlike the console levels, this is expanded by sharing your times with those you meet via Streetpass. Also, 3D Land isn't as "open" and is more in closed with levels and Mario doesn't have all his techniques from the 3D games (like his triple jump). How you finish a level is also different. Instead of collecting Stars, you have to reach a flagpole like you do in 2D Mario games. There are no hidden levels or hidden passages like other 3D Mario games.

It's basically a combination between 2D Mario and 3D Mario, which fits perfectly for a handheld title.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is different from other Paper Mario games

Unlike Super Paper Mario, PM:SS returns to the turn based combat from the first two games, but with a twist. Attacks are performed by stickers you find on your travels. Stickers are also used outside of battle to perform tasks to get further in the levels. 

There are no partners or badges like other Paper Mario games. There are also less RPG features and stats. The only way you can raise health points is by doing side-quests and finding secret areas.

The levels themselves are around 20 minutes each and when you exit them the game automatically saves so you can exit almost anytime you want to.


Thank you for responding. I have Boldened all the key points that makes those games different from the ones they derive from. What I see are normal changes a studio would make to support a portable format, some good some are adaptations because of the weakerformat. What I also see is that none of them radically change the formula, just remixes it. What you stated from these two games...

-20 minutes long missions (IE shorter mission lengths).

-Automatic Saves

-Networking and Social incentives

-Smaller Levels

I would like to point out the dumbed down additions, "There are also less RPG features..." and "No hidden levels". These are in no way pluses but they aren't held against the game either. A sensible person understands that a handheld will have obvious limitations the console will not, so the game is more often than not going to have truncated applications. Which brings me back to why it is so silly for Vita to get lemented due to it not filling the bigger versions shoes completely.

In Conclusion: Vita games do all those things. From the ones I played, UGA, GR,ACIII:L, etc all do those very well might I add. There are of course truncations, like no large scale set pieces in UGA for instance, but relates quite well to the emulated medium while carving out it's own identity. So with this I would like the "Vita games are nothing but Watered Down Console Ports" argument to die, as it is blatently untrue for most of the titles, or at least no more true than the 3DS games. (Mind you I am not directing this at your, but the community as a whole)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)