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JimmyDanger said:
forevercloud3000 said:





Yes I know it's all alternate reality speak (therefore completely pointess, subjective and pure fantasy) - but how the hell did you come up with that number?

That number is not imaginary. 360 had a 6million head start on PS3, PS3 has been selling at a comparable but faster pace. As of right now the gap has decreased from 6million to 1.5-2million(although the gap has closed according to Sony's reports)6m-2m equals 4million difference. 6m + 4m = 12million actually but I was leaving room for margins of error/fluctuation of the market. This corresponds to if PS3 had the year head start that 360 had.

Also - I wasn't aware - as per the #4 point you made at the top of your post - that the PS3 was subject to far harsher critical analysis than othe consoles. Is this the "Playstation Conspiracy" I hear about? Or are there reasons people are critical of it, or subject more/far harsher criticism? If there is some grand conspiracy of which I am unaware, I best be informed.

Some of it warrented, some of it not. I have been told that I am a very "glass half empty" type of person, probably true. Yet this doesn't excuse the people who choose to ignore what is going on around them because it is too difficult to deal with or think about. If I am only seeing what I want to see, then there is just as much chance that others are NOT seeing what they don't want to see. Regardless of the ethical standing of the scrutiny, PS3 very obviously got more flack than 360 on everything, yet still out performed it year over year.

Q-If I pick apples faster than you, but you started earlier - who is the better apple picker? 

A - The person who picks the MOST apples at the end of the day - races aren't run on top speed and MPH - but who gets over the finish line first.

Wrong, if you actually want to retain the sports/athletic metaphore. In order for it to be fair they have to start at the same time(or as close as humanly possible). The faster picker is obviously better because if they had started at the same time he would have picked more, so far more effecient. You can't "cheat" in a race and claim victory. What if everyone said PS360 were failures because they didn't immediately sell 150million like the PS2? Perposterous right? PS2 had several years head start on them, so it is not a totally fair comparison in the grande scheme of things.

Didn't 360 actually outsell PS3 last year?

Nope, wrong again. This was Western biased drivel shoveled out by MS and NPD to give the allure that 360 is doing better than they are. PS3 has handidly outsold 360 every year for the last 3-4(not sure about in the beginning). and critics jump down Sony's throat everytime they released numbers screaming "THATS SHIPPED NOT SOLD!" with no proof of that :/ It has been strongly rumoured that PS3 and 360 are actually about even in sales for the past year and a half.

I really do like Sony, but I just tend to respond to people who try to pass off blind "what if" wishes  - or use stats for distance to measure weight -  as "proof". Hence my original reply.

In no way is my hypothetical analysis a blind "what if" scenario. Its backed up by math and sales trends. At the end of the day, Sony still has the strongest and most resilient selling power in the Gaming industry. It is unfortunate that they are in last place.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)