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Panama said:
I feel as though this game will suffer the same fate that befalls all games that take so long to be released. It won't match the heightened expectations of the consumer, regardless of how good it is.

It will match all expectations as long as Team Nomura is allowed to do want they wanted to do.
They said always they can achieve everything with the PS3 cause its the only platform where there concepts can work.
But we all know that the upper ones at SquareEnix said 2 years ago that they are talking with Microsoft over that game and how Nomura is pissed about it.

As a PS3 Exclusive it has the chance to be the best Game in this Gen.
As Multiplat - Well hi again Final Fantasy 13 aka a game that is garbage and isn't anything near what they promised.

NobleTeam360 said:
I agree that they should probably just push it back into the next generation.

Nah - Bring it 2013
Sony is now at 70 Million Units - Next year they have tons of AAAAAA Exclusives coming out.
This would be one to push the PS3 over the 360.It will happen next year and they need every game for it cause this would bring them BIG Japan sales.