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JayWood2010 said:

Now I dont know the whole history with Crash and Naughy Dog and how thye became 1st party so I cant comment.  I do remember crash when i was little though and it was easily PS1's mascot.  If they would have kept it it could of had the potential of selling anywhere from 5-15m copies per game.  Of course it depends if it was made correctly.  But they could have pulled off a mario and put him in different games.  3D crash, side scrolling crash, Crash Karting which they had,  crash party, etc. 

I agree with you about them priding them selves for artistic games but Demon's Souls was published by Atlus outside of japan.  That was sony's failure.  And I definitely dont like MAG.  It is the only game I've returned this generation.  The only reason it even sold well was because the hype it had recieved and it being made by the people who made socom.

KZ2 was great.  KZ3 was eh.  What both of them lacks are a variety of guns.  They all look and feel similar.  The heavy turning on kz2 was also an issue with a lot of people.  None the less I loved KZ2 and it showed potential for the series.  KZ3 just took a step back unfortunately.  

And from what i know they will be making something besides KZ4.  Good company so it should be interesting.

Crash Bandicoot was a joint venture between Universal Studios(Sony) and Vevendi(Activision). Naughty Dog, the up and coming developer(based in the same building as their old college buddies, Insomniac Games) was placed to develope it, not sure if it. I think it was their idea from jump. Anyway, Sony saw massive promise with them as developers, and seeing as they were still new to the Gaming Market, they knew they needed to form a decent catalog of devs to combat NINTENDO's insane 1st Party Line-Ups. Sometime around the coming of the PS2 Sony opted to acquire Naughty Dog. Activision was not ready to let Crash(a surefire seller) go along with them though. In order for them to be allowed to purchase ND, Sony had to let Activision keep publishing rights to Crash......and the series has never been good since.

Meanwhile, ND set out on their next game. Jak and Daxter came and saw much success. The series spanned 3 main entries on the PS2, but by the 3rd game you could tell they were growing board. When PS3 came along they pitched Uncharted to Sony, stating they wanted to incorperate what they did with Crash, in a more realistic setting. And that is how Uncharted came to be.


I love KZ2's multiplayer. By far it is the only FPS's multiplayer I ever really got into. Ironically enough I was apart of the VGChartz Clan online. The weighted movement was an annoyance, I do know they were going for realism. Yet there is a line between actually creating a realistic experience vs making it accessible and fun. Even if it was life like, many can't cope. They should have taken away the heavy feeling and kept all the gameplay aspects for KZ3. I was so pissed to find that they nolonger had Spawn Grenades for the Tactician(my fav class). I felt robbed. I barely played KZ3 multiplayer at all, just to get the trophies. I also hated the pacing of the campaign which was blatently hijacked as a showcase for Sony's 3D. I think that game suffered a bit for having to be Sony's showcase game yet again.

Resistance's story is far more captivating to me honestly, I also prefer their guns (Bullseye, enough said). Resistance 2's story made it for me. I would actually listen to all the radio broadcasts with Henry Stillman. It was heartbreaking to hear his story about how his wife and son died with him watching them get mauled by the Chimera. He then at the end says he was going to "Go for a walk" basically telling anyone who was listening he was going to commit suicide. I thought that was a great little side plot. I named my R2 clan after him :). R2 had the best coop multiplayer mode too. It was like playing a FPS RPG. 3 Job classes having to work together to take down enemies and gain experience. I cannot shake the feeling the MAIN reason they took that feature out in R3 is because it is the basis of their new game, FUSE. When I heard that not only would R3 not have my fav game mode, but also put Capelli(my most despised character from R2) as the main character I was heart broken and didn't buy it. I planned on still buying it in the future but really skeptical now knowing it didn't do so well at market, meaning if I want to play MP it would be barren.

I prefer Uncharted's Multiplayer over both KZ and Resistance's anyday tho.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)