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Slimebeast said:
DanneSandin said:
I never was around for the "Good Old Days", but I've seen a few Old timers having similar views. Now, I have to admit that there's been quite a few threads derailed due to fan boys not wanting to think straight/logically. But surely they've been around since forever?

I've been here from the start and honestly the forum atmosphere or the type of members hasn't changed much at all.

This criticism you often hear from "old timers" against the present state of VGC usually tells much more about those particular individuals and their current personal path in life rather than the actual condition of this site and its members. People change and blame external factors without realizing that it's themselves who have changed. People tend to be nostalgic about the past. It's only normal.

Fanboyism and some members being overly sensitive, those things haven't changed here. In the past we might have had a slightly higher proportion of the type of members who are interested in lenghty, serious discussions and debates (the Kasz, Jay520, MrKhan, HappySquirrel type of members, just to namedrop a few), but that's about it.

hey, you just name dropped some of my favs here :D couldn't have been bad back in those days if you had more of 'em ;)

But I get your point. It sounded too good to be true when it sounded as if there weren't any trolls or fan boys back then ;)

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.