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I think after struggling so hard with PS3 and Vita, Sony will want to come out swinging from jump. I am betting on
-Uncharted 4: I know Naughty Dog has never continued a series beyond next generation but times have changed. I believe Sony sees the benefit of having a long pedigreed series and Uncharted is perfect for it. As long as it remains top quality it will be fine. U4 will assuredly be a release window title. This is only validated further with ND working with 2 teams. Uncharted sells 4-6million
-Gurilla Games Shooter: I don't think it is Killzone. I think Sony is testing to see if Killzone is still viable as an IP, K3 didn't do as well as expected just like Resistance. I am not sure what the gimmick will be for this new shooter but GG excels at making a console showcase game. This is what Sony will want to take advantage of. Hopefully they hire someone like Amy Hennig to take control of Story/Script writing, GG's current one is aweful(strange because KZ1 was good). Possible to actually be KZ4, but it will be a release window title for sure due to shooter popularity in the US.
-Grand Turismo: Sony has to be quite dissappointed with Japan Studios these days. They have been the cause of much bad press for the company. Luckily, what they fail at in timely execution is remedied by quality of product. Sony will want to make GT the "it" racer early in the console life cycle. They have always waited before to let the userbase get bigger but they have a lot to prove this time around.

Sony's plan is always to cover largest markets from jump (except RPGS...although they should with the highest concentration of RPG fans being PS fans as well >:[ ).




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)