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Max King of the Wild said:

Thread title pretty self explanatory.

If the opportunity presents itself (buying a Wii U) should I get one for nothing other than selling on e-bay for profit?

I remember in 2006 Wii's selling at incredible prices because of Nintendo underestimating demand. I'm not sure if the Wii U will have similar demand though (due to supply constraints).

I'm not completely opposed to getting one eventually just not right now considering I'm in my Junior year at the University and I don't even play my Ps3 anymore.

Last year the Leap Pads were huge and going for ridiculous amounts on e-bay but I stocked the store shelves and could never get one due to them being sold out when i got off work.

The year before that I believe was the Rock n Roll Mickey and couldnt get one for the same problem.

This year I don't stock shelves during shipments and might be able to get one eventually. And I'm pretty sure the Wii U will be this years gift in high demand.

It's fine to do it, unless you tell people. Then you will go to hell and be raped by demons.