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It is complete bullshit.

I had never encountered this issue until I bought Battlefield 3 several months after it launched. So instead of having a fair game I was faced with already more experienced players who also had better guns, laser sight, flashlights, ammo, SCOPES and other valuable equipments. It was a huge turn-off for me, but the issue eventually solved itself, obviously.

Interesting point of view; I've always felt the exact opposite. I get bored of playing with the same weapons over and over in Battlefield 3, and I love using new weapons, starting off with zero attachments, and working my way towards cool attachment unlocks. It adds an extra challenge to the multiplayer that I enjoy. Really though, everything is so balanced in that game that I never found it to be much of an issue. Find a gun you like, get 100 kills with it (which only takes a few rounds) and voila, you have everything you need forever.

There are the special class items and vehicle perks that you unlock through a long trek of experience growth, but I always enjoyed that challenge as well. To me, it was extremely gratifying when I eventually unlocked the ECM jammer in Jets and felt more badass as a result.

To each their own, though.