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JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:

I love how you only have two options....There needs to be a 3rd saying no.  

And no it isn't.  Steam is SOOOOOOOO much better than PSN it's not even close.  

XBL hs better functions and is much easier to navigate as well as more social.  

PSN is still third.  The games that I want I get so I don't need to pay extra for games I don't care about.

Fight Club quote-"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need."
That is how I pretty much feel about PS+

I'm not talking about PSN, I'mma be talkin bout PS+! And content wise, I think its the greatest thing. Free games cmon son!

PS+ is a good idea but you are still paying for those games through subscriptions.  As soon as you stop paying you lose those games, so yes they are making all that money back in the long run.  Some people like it and others don't so I'm glad you like it, I just don't see the need for it for my needs.  I get better deals personally on steam than I would on PS+

I'm kind of over Steam.  I'll still check their sales, of course, but I'll check Amazon first.  Steam as a storefront is nice but as a service they aren't that awesome.  Their client screws up way, way too much and it's still DRM.  It really annoys me not being able to play games when my internet is acting up.  The supposed offline mode never seems to work when I need it.  Give me DRM versions from other sites any day of the week.  Steams sales are their only real draw for me.