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BasilZero said:
ganoncrotch said:

I absolutely loved azure dreams to bits back when I got it and my brand new game boy color but my god as you work further into it and you encounter those enemies who could lvl you down whole lvls... that hurt this games position so much on my personal list checked there and it got it knocked down to 135th place :D but still sank almost pokemon lvls of time into it really really great but.... an rpg where you can be lvled down multiple times ughhhhhhhhh killer.

Challenge was awesome, I remember getting near the end of the game (or so I think - since I clocked like over 80 hours on it), unfortunately I did not finish it but I am hoping so in the future when I play both the PSX and GBC versions.

I never got to finish it either, I done the complete tower of what was it 50 stories or so I think you had to go up? but then there was a basement that was 100 stories down and those guys who lvl'd you down got more frequent.  The pain of how much exp it was to gain the higher lvls only to have it knocked off was such a ball breaker I stopped very heavy hearted. you gotta really love a game tho to still hate an enemy from it over 15 years ago :D


Edit - Popped up my 47th game not sure if I'll be around later on today but 3am here so it counts!

Golden Axe 1 on the megadrive, I mean I know it's a game that can be finished in under an hour, it has some of the dodgyest AI you'll ever catch in a game, but I felt that makes it so brilliant. I mean there are few games were you can stand at an angle to a hole in the ground and watch a horde of Skeletons, which would take some amount of beating to kill simply walk in a beeline towards you and down said hole :D it was great just perfect. I know they fixed the AI in Golden Axe 2+3 and made the enemies have more personality but it was just how amazingly dumb they were in the first that added to picking up your Axe and dwarve headbutting your way to death adders doorstep and smacking him upside the head.

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