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blaydcor said:
Mummelmann said:
I write in both Norwegian and English, anything from sci-fi to WWII short stories to fantasy novels.
I've written for about 8 years now, starting in the mid teens and I think that J.K Rowling and Christopher Paolini are the very definition of lack of talent...
I've also written tidbits and one or other odd story for local newspapers and I work as a translator for the biggest Age of Conan website in Norway and partially for Vgchartz!
Somebody else who thinks Paolini is completely devoid of anything resembling talent? Nice to know I'm not the only one. Thank god the media's finally fallen out of love with him; I got sick of reading about the ''prodigal fantasy author'' everytime I read an article about the genre.


The "man" can't even write a single, proper sentence without misplacing some obscure word or using a different kind of language structure for the same character for every dialogue. And he even proceeds to yank whole names and situations out of LotR and has borrowed entire segments off of other authors like Eddings, Tolkien and Anne McCaffrey. I can't believe the publisher lets it fly, its the most obvious case of plagiarism and simultaneously the most severe lack of talent I've ever seen in a popular book regardless of genre. And I also can't believe that some call him a prodigy, I don't think they ever looked the definition up in Webster's. He was young when he began writing the script, and it clearly shows right form the get-go... But the worst thing is how he tries to pass himself off as an intellectual and deep thinker in interviews, speaking as if his words are vital as oxygen to whomever has to go through the tediousness of witnessing and hearing his meaningless rant.

Wow, I just realized I could write a whole article about how he sucks and how much I hate the fact that success falls on such individuals on occassion. You should visit for a good laugh, I know I love and appreciate their work!