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richardhutnik said:
Adinnieken said:

I live where a significant player in the big-box discount department store retailer is based (i.e. Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart), and the news for Sony isn't good.

With the Wii U being released this November this retailer will be cutting the Sony section in the gaming area from 8 feet of retail space, down to 4 feet.  Giving the Wii, Wii U, and DS/3DS 12 feet and the Xbox 360 12 feet.

Likewise, while unsold Xbox 360 wireless wheels remain on pegs, Sony accessories are getting discontinued.  This means that for November and December the PS3 will have less retail shelve/peg space to compete against both Nintendo and Microsoft.  This won't be good for Sony's Christmas sales, unless merchandise will be shipped in for 1-day sales or something.  Anyone looking to purchase a PS3 will find a smaller selection of not only consoles, but also of accessories and games.

They are unfortunate times for Sony.

Is that all Sony products or just the PS3?

Its all Sony products.