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Welp, didn't think I could get a response, figured that might even end the thread, well, let me give it a boost:

Either way, this post is good for Wii fans. Even the subject name is passive-agressive. "Some people" is a passive-agressive term, which allows you to rant all day about the ideals without having to actually call anyone out, which is good, considering the nature of your complaints in this particular post.

What will the end result be?

You've now concreted the possiblity that yourself and KoW(which I admit I had a part in bringing into this conversation) are in fact people who don't necessarily like the Wii or Nintendo.

All of your posts, now and in the future, will be seen by every poster in this topic, in that light. People will know that you have been accused of not liking the Wii, and look for any reasons available in your posts to bring it up.

"It's posts like that, that make people think your a Wii-hater"


"This guy is an anti-Wii fanboy, look at this post about it /link"

Believe it or not, not all posters are knowledgable of your antics and took your posts marginally seriously, as if perhaps you were simply a Wii fan that was dissapointed in todays news, when perhaps tomorrow, you might post something positive. You've now blown that assumption. You took this alligation mainstream.

Now you'll get called out everytime.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.