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Player1x3 said:
Scoobes said:
Marks said:
I find bible thumping Christians and atheists equally annoying. Why do Christians have to annoy and try to convert people all the time? And also why can't Atheists just relax and not spend all their time disproving religion?

Just for the record I believe in God but don't follow a religion. I guess I'm a Deist or something similar.

I think that's born of the extreme examples of religion encroaching on others to the point of being detrimental. Much like the creationists trying to push off religion as science or the issue of "honour" killings.

This also includes bitching about national motto on dollar bills, whining about a cross on a 9/11 memorial and suing schools for praying before class and busses driving pas churches right?

You get extremes on both side, but like I said, atheist extremism is born of a desire to counter religious extremism (a lot of atheist arguments are countering extreme religious views rather then mainstream religious views).

Although personally, I think if you're going to put a cross on the 9/11 memorial you should probably also put the religious symbols of all the religions from all the people that died that day and if the school is paid for by the state, then praying should be optional. That's just my personal view though.