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DanneSandin said:
Kresnik said:
DanneSandin said:
If Sony and Microsoft is launching new systems next year (which they should do) they need the gamez. We all know that games sell systems, and as it's looking right now we can't count on S&M's BIGGEST franchises to make it to launch. I'm pretty sure that SOME system seller will be there, but I don't think we'll be seeing the Big Guns until 2014. And with Wii U having a years head start S&M better have something else to lure gamers besides games to their consoles. And I don't think it'll be much better graphics than Wii U.

S&M could be in trouble if they release new systems next year, and they'll be in trouble if they DON'T release new systems next year... They better have a killer USP with their new consoles.

I don't think it's beyond the realms of possibility for Gran Turismo, Uncharted & Killzone to be there for PS4's launch if late next year.  God of War would be the only 'huge' franchise that would be a no-show.

If early 2014, I'd definitely expect all three of those to be there.  Add in the fact that Sony seem to try to debut a new franchise or two with their home consoles (i.e. Resistance; Motorstorm), and that apparently the 'launch window' extends a good while after the console launches, I'd reckon they should be covered.

I'm not too familiar with what games Sony will be able to muster for the launch od PS4, so I trust you. If this is the case it's shaping up to be a pretty solid launch line up!! And it's a good thing they won't have GoW coming out that same year; too much awesome is overload ;) better save something for 2014!

Sony has been holding back on Uncharted, InFamous and Killzone 4 since their launch cycles are for 2013-2014 period.