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curl-6 said:
Mummelmann said:

The fact of the matter is; the vast majority of gamers, Nintendo gamers included, feel that the Wii failed to deliver on the software end, 3rd party support in particular but also lack of proper 1st party in-house efforts since late 2010.

This is the ruling consensus and while "majority rules" doesn't always constitute a fact, in this case it well and truly does. 

Bold: Debateable, as it could it be argued that the majority of Wii gamers are casuals who were more than happy with what the console offered on this front. We have to realize that us forum-posting gamers are a minority, even on PS3/360.

Italic: While I agree that the Wii's third party lineup was lacking, something being a popular consensus doesn't make it a fact.

The attach rate and sales of 3rd party games would indicate that owners weren't happy with the offerings, that's only logical. Market leaders usually have the highest attach rate since they usually have the best and broadest 3rd party support.

As for your last remark; your conclusion is the exact same as mine, its in the very sentence I wrote. My exact sentence is about how ruling consensus is not always correct but that it is in this case.

okr; Feel free to tell me how I'm wrong. if you browse the boards and look back until early 2011 and up until today, you'll see that even Rol and the other diehard Nintendo fans are greatly displeased with the Wii's offerings and the incredible sales decline would indicate that the same goes for those who don't post on vgchartz. I'm not assuming, I'm reading the data that is clear as day on this very site.

If the vast majority (which is the expression I used) of gamers aren't unhappy with the Wii's software and the price is low, then why have the sales plummeted in historical fashion in the last two years? Not even price cuts, colors or bundles could stem the tide and halt the decline.